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Obscure driving offences – be legal and safe part 2!

This blog continues a light-hearted series detailing little-known driving offences which, if they lead to an accident, could mean that you (or your insurer) will end up footing the bill.

Driving too slowly

Everyone appreciates how dangerous speeding is but it may not be appreciated that driving too slowly can be just as dangerous. If the Police catch you driving at a speed considered low enough to endanger other road offenders, then you face a fine of £100.00 and three points. If you are taken to Court, the charge would be one of driving without due care and attention. Penalties for this offence can rise as high as 9 points and a £5,000 fine!

Splashing pedestrians

As someone who walks to work regularly, I know only too well the impotent rage I feel when cars drive through large puddles too quickly. I recently enjoyed a mouth full of puddle water thanks to the tender ministrations of a Range Rover! Had I read this blog, and had sufficient piece of mind to try to remember the registration plate, then I could have insisted that the Police charged the miscreant under Section 3 of the Road Traffic Act 1998 for ‘driving without reasonable consideration for other persons’. A fine of £100.00 and 3 penalty points is the penalty. A more serious charge of driving in such a way that “amounts to a clear act of incompetence, selfishness, impatience and aggressiveness” could result in the fine being increased to £5,000.00. Whether you could prove the intent of the driver, however, will depend on the circumstances of the case.

Parking on the pavement

Terrace and flat dwellers will be incandescent to learn that the Transport Committee is currently seeking a nationwide ban on parking on the pavement. This is, technically, already illegal in London, but seems to be enforced sporadically. If you are caught out in our nation’s capital, you face a £70.00 fine. Outside of London, it is only illegal when it is not permitted by a sign.

Having snow on your roof

Is there anything worse than clearing the snow off your car in the perishing cold?  Well, it turns out there is, because you can fined for careless driving if you fail to do this. Rule 229 of the Highway Code requires that you should clean and demist all mirrors, windows, lights and number plates before setting off. If you are caught with snow on top of your roof you could be charged with driving without due consideration or using a motor vehicle in dangerous condition and may face a fine and three points.  YouTube is awash with videos showing what happens when you brake hard with snow on your roof (spoiler – it falls onto your windscreen and you crash).

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact our specialist team of lawyers for advice by calling 0121 752 2818 or emailing us at info@personalinjurylawyerbirmingham.org

By: John Green
Title: Obscure driving offences – be legal and safe part 2!
Sourced From: www.tayloremmet.co.uk/blog/wordpress/obscure-driving-offences-part-2/
Published Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2020 16:36:57 +0000